Product details

  • AIRFLO POLYLEADER Salmon/Steelhead


€ 8.90 3 pieces in stock

Salmon and Steelhead Polyleaders offer great turn over for bulky and heavy flies. Available in 7 different sink rates from floating right through to Extra super fast sinking, these polyleaders provide complete depth control which is so often essential when fishing for salmon and steelhead.

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Reference : 053163450526
Category : Fly lines
Brand : AIRFLO
Longueur POLY :
8 ft SALM
Plongée :
extra fast sink fast sink floating hover intermediate slow sink super fast sink

Product details

Floating polyleaders are ideal for fishing bombers with the slow and fast sinking polyleaders allowing you to bed your flies down, avoiding drag from a floating line. The EX.Fast sinking leader gets the flies as deep as possible. Max.tippet 24 lb to 40 lb, depending on the model choice.

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