Product details

  • Glass OFF-BEAD x 25

Glass OFF-BEAD x 25

€ 2.60 More than 5 in stock

Special glass beads selected by TOF Fly Fishing for light nymph fishing in both stillwater and river. They give translucency and incredible life to your flies!

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Reference : 5414436066977
Category : Fly tying
Brand : TOF
Diamètre :
2.8 mm 3.4 mm
C offbeadv :
mat white pearl white chartreuse/mint cristal/pink flame red/silver honey/coral honey/red olive/coral orange/silver

Product details

They sink more slowly than tungsten or brass beads.They are designed for nymph fishing in slow currents. They are also used for chironomids dressing for reservoir fishing. The 3.4-mm diameter is used for hooks #10 to #14 and the size 2.8 mm for hooks ranging from #12 to #16. For larger hooks, remember to crush the barb in order to slide the bead towards the eyelet.
Colours: matt white, white,pearl, honey,red, orange,silver, crystal,pink, chartreuse,mint, honey,coral, olive,coral.
Sizes: all colours are available in ø 3.4 mm. Only white,pearl in ø 2.8 mm and 3.4 mm.

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