Product details

  • SEMPERFLI Ice Straggle Chenille

SEMPERFLI Ice Straggle Chenille

€ 3.90 More than 5 in stock

The Ice Straggle Chenille is a caterpillar type Polar / Cactus ideal for tying minkies, boobies, buggers, mini streamer, salmon fly and sea fly.

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Reference : 886741054829
Category : Fly tying
C Semperfli :
Black Fluo Orange Pale Pink

Product details

The Semperfli Ice Straggle Chenille is similar to the Polar chenille or Cactus chenille. The Ice Straggle Caterpillar has long translucent fibers, which will have a great movement in the water with a movement similar to the marabout giving great action to your fly.

The Ice Straggle Chenille is perfect for making bodies of flies or streamers.

The Ice Straggle Chenille is also a popular material for modern salmon flies.

You can easily cut Ice Straggle Chenille to the desired length using scissors.

Try The Ice Straggle Caterpillar for hackles or for fly bodies like Minkies, Boobies, Buggers, Mini streamer or drowned flies.

Very mobile with fluoro and natural colors The Ice Straggle Chenille is a very versatile material, you can very well use it for making sea trout flies like shrimp, crabs as well as for saltwater flies.

There are 6m/6.5 yards (approx ) per reel of Ice Straggle Chenille.

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