Product details

  • TOF BN4 Nymph barbless x 50 -

TOF BN4 Nymph barbless x 50 -

€ 7.90 More than 5 in stock

TOF BN4 Nymph barbless is our brand new hook to tie nymphs, dries and small streamers.

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Reference : 5414436074545
Category : Fly tying
Brand : TOF
Taille hameçon :
# 10 # 12 # 14 # 16 # 18 # 8

Product details

Simply our best hooks!
Tof had one goal in mind… Find the ultimate hook that would have the perfect shape to tie a wide variety of nymphs, dries and emergers and a great fish holding ability, better than any other hook.
TOF BN1 Nymph barbless short shank, downward eyelet. Perfect to tie small flies, nymphs and small streamers, a wire designed to be neither too fine nor too heavy to guarantee its strength.
Sizes from #18 to #10.


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