Product details

  • WHITING 1/2 cape Pro grade

WHITING 1/2 cape Pro grade

€ 54.90 More than 5 in stock

The superb saddle Pro Grade from Whiting Farms. They are the best choice for tying dry flies.

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Reference : 616044010600
Category : Fly tying
C Whiting :
barred dk ginger Brown dun grizzly dyed black medium ginger white white medium dun

Product details

Thanks to their soft and robust keel, they are very easy to work with. In addition, their rigid fibers give your dry flies excellent buoyancy characteristics. In addition, these feathers are characterized by a constant fiber length, which is a great advantage to achieve dense and uniform hackles, for example.

Because of their really impressive length, you can easily make several flies with a single feather.

Apart from dry flies, they are of course also suitable for carrying out for example the hackle of a Wooly Bugger body or attached as a whole as part of an attractive pike fly.

First class cock saddle with exceptional quality.

Ideal for all kinds of dry flies.

Rigid feathers give dry flies better floating properties.Also suitable for very small flies.

Extremely long feathers with constant fiber length.

Extremely soft but stable feathers.

Impressive density of fibers. 

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